
The world's smartest and most reliable natural language processor

Designed, built, and optimized for Python 2.7

regex4dummies is a modern natural language processor, yet simple enough for anyone to be able to use it. Being open source, it is customizable to the core, allowing you to get the most out of whatever you need it to do.

Smart Code

The library does all of the heavy lifting for you. It is easier to use than, well, pretty much any other library.

Open Source

regex4dummies is open source; maintained on GitHub by an active community.

Cross Platform

regex4dummies works on numerous platforms, letting you work wherever, whenever.

Images courtesy of Github ( Copyright (c) 2015 GitHub Inc. ); licensed under the MIT license.

Feature filled, from the start

regex4dummies comes fully-featured out of the box. All parsers come pre-installed and dependencies can be downloaded whenever associated parsers are used, conserving space. There are many featurs regex4dummies supports, including:

Semantic Parsing

regex4dummies provides simple to use semantic parsers. This allows semantic patterns to be identified. Since one parser might not be able to determine certain patterns, additional parsers have been included to make sure the most accurate results can be returned.

Literal Parsing

The standard installation of regex4dummies provides a simple to use literal parser. This allows patterns that are not semantic ( aka meaning ) to be identified.

Projects that use regex4dummies

Currently, since regex4dummies is still a very new library, no projects have implemented regex4dummies
Have a project and want to submit it to be shown here? Contact us and give some information including the project's name and website!

Getting Started

Downloading regex4dummies is easy. Either download the most recent version using pip, or go to the releases page to find older versions of regex4dummies.

          # Install the library using pip
          ~$ pip install regex4dummies